Today the wife was working, the kids were at school, and I didn't have anything to do except spend all day in the bow shop. My day started a little before 8:00 am. I mounted my grandfathers old vise to my workbench so I can have two to work with. A friend is coming by later to work on his first bow.

After that, I put a deer skull in to soak in some hot soapy water, then got started on chasing a ring on the back of an osage stave. This stave is for a trade I have going on.

Sometime around 10:00 my friend showed up with his Hackberry bow. I set him up in the vise and got out another drawknife. He started thinning down the limbs.

I started removing the bark and sapwood on another stave. This one is going for the same trade as the other one. I received a full tanned deer hide plus a couple of smaller pieces. I want to make a quiver out of it. Don't laugh at my poor excuse of a bench. It works.

After he got the limbs thinned down some, he went to the belt sander to smooth out the belly and sides a little.