After a long break because of the move to our new home (and the renovation of it) I can show you a new bow:
It is a Bamboo backed European Hornbeam
(Carpinus betulus), glued reflex/deflex with wedges
(is this the right word?) at the end of the limbs.
Length 66'' / 168cm
semipyramidal frontprofile
Width 1
1/4" (32mm) at the Fade Outs to 25/64" (10mm) at the tips
Weight 580g
37 lb / 28 ''
The Powerlam is Tigerwood (Concalo Alves), the handle is Tigerwood, Hornbeam and Cocobolo.
Tip-Overlays are Cocobolo, Hornbeam and Tigerwood as well.
The wedges are Maple and the arrow pass is horn.
I hope you like it.
At first an overall view
(the right limb is the upper one)
The frontprofile

Detail Handle and arrow pass
(before and after making a handle wrap and arrow pass)
Detail Tip-Overlays

And last but not least …