Thanks for the complements everyone and I'm happy to be in the contest Josh. The back is dyed using what I could remember from the tutorial Tim Ott wrote on his candy cane arrows in PA a few issues back. I don't know if I did it exactly like he does, but I do a lot of my backgrounds for my paintings the same way, so I winged it. I'll try and get a few more photos from my Dad. I was able to finagle a few more out of some of the others I took.
Yeah Rich those broadheads get wicked sharp fast and they are great for putting holes in things. I hope to be able to switch over to stone pretty quick.
Looks great Micheal!
Now that your a bamboo backed expert, you can help with the glue ups at OJAM this year. 
Hah, I don't know if I'm an expert yet John. My wife gave me a late Christmas present a week ago and it was one of David Knights blanks and I blushed a bit for feeling so proud about this one. I would be glad to help out this year at OJAM though.