I figured the tiller was good enough and I'd move on to finishing, then build another, but I guess another opinion or three wouldn't hurt.
I tillered this 74" ELB(sorta) this weekend and shot a few rounds with it.
draw weight of 55lbs at 28" almost 60lbs at 29 in. I didn't build it right in the first place and ended up almost running out of belly wood. I don't have the tips finished yet and was planning on antler nocks. Tiller is 1/4in. positive on upper limb.
Anyways, I think the tiller is good, maybe abit stiff out of the upper fade????first 6 inches or so?
Seems to shoot hard and fast. a bit shocky but again the tips are not finished. tri-lam of hickory-purpleheart and yellowheart bellywood. What do you guys think? IS my tiller correct?

PS, the first pic is my first trad RobinHood in a very long time, shot at 12-13 yards.. Fitting it was with an English Longbow huh?