Saw a post on another site about ring size. This got me to thinking and I thouhg about this fir years. A while back my old bowyer(mentor) friend died. His wife gave me all he had. As for tools he only had a rasp and eye glass scraper. But I did get a few staves mostly osage. He had the nicest staves, He aways said your bow only as good as the stave you started with. One stave I knew I wanted that he had. He had it for as long as I knew him. He had 2 and had built a bow out of the other long before I knew him. He'd traded the bow for something. But had used it for 7 or 8 years. HE ALWAYS SAID HE'D WISH HE'D KEPT IT. HE SAID IT WAS BEST BOW HE'D EVER BUILT. AND HE'D BUILT SELFBOWS FOR OVER 50 YEARS.
The stave was and osage 70 "s straight,staifgt grained with 3"s of deflexed it no knots it had bow writen all over it.
I Built it 66"s, 64"s nock to nock 60#'s, at 26"s 1 1/4 wide I rounded the edges good a little more oval toward the back. Osage is a little less in compression. My favoret deside for osage. Still had and inch of deflex. I looked great shot great fast good cast. I was going to use it. At lest for a while. Wish I'd keep it but money talks. What made this bow so different was it as built useing only one ring for ths limbs. The rings were 1/2" thick. Thickest I've ever see to date.
Can't say this made the bow any better. Or it was just because I just started out the such a good stave. But like I said I was fast,sweet just felt good in your hand and to shoot. It you've built a few bows you know where I'm comeing from. Dose anyone think being the limbs were one ring dose this make it a better bow or just easer to built.