After the straightening.... had to heat it up several times, but what an improvement from what it was!!!
(Sorry, I failed to take a photo of it after I pulled it from the straightening jig)Anyway,....
I decided to throw her onto the forming buck to reflex the tips.
slow, took my time, applied a decent amount of vegetable oil now and then, (but not to much), and kept the heat gun moving now and then from the spot needing to bend, to and fro,
spreading out the heat evenly as possible. Just kept adding one c-clamp after another, but took it
slowly!Here's the set up as I went (used tin foil to keep the heat in and let it cool slowly....)
(The cat decided to check things out,.....the Lab couldn't be bothered!)

The bend after I removed the foil,....(I was pretty much trying to keep the last 3" stiff, that's the plan.)
of course it bent back just a bit after I removed the c-clamps, but it took fairly well.