After my last post I went to walk around by the elementery school I went to as a kid ( 25 years ago ), because I remember the 'horse apples' along the creek near by. Sure enough there they were... at least 15-20 of them in sight. There were several long straight mature limbs and trunks. Not much wind here, as the creek is in a slight valley with houses up on either side. The problem is that this is city property, and in a park of sorts.
The good news is that I saw a few 'horse apples' (that's what we called them growing up) floating in the creek. And the creek leads to a forested area that is very secluded... not part of the park. So i figure over 25+ years of Osage fruit floating down stream, I should find some waiting for me there. However, it was getting dark so I'll have to go look another day. Sunday probably.
Anyway, thnx for the replies.