Author Topic: Hand cannons – (h)airquebus} - (Arcabuz) of the Tatars in 12 - 13 centuries.  (Read 6961 times)

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Offline readfox

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Dears  Pat,  Sailordad, Millet, Sparrow, and other  users of this cyber web!

I have picture and artical  abourt  this   arms,  !!
After We  were  conqured at first by the Mongols, then Timurleng, and the past occupiers  of our  country  were the Russians these  documents  were fobbeden to mention.  Is it possible to show in this  theme or better in another?

The  Tataric  National - ( Kipchakian = Cumanian = Cunian // ( Coenian ) = Polovetsian  = Pechenegish  = Berendean  = Agatsirian =  Burtassian = Khazarian  - { Majgaric;  Misherian} + Boelgaric) -  hand cannons – (h)airquebus}   of   the  12 - 13  centuries. =

= Tatárske národné – (kipčakské = kumanské = kúnske = polovecké = pečenegské = berendejské = agacírske = burtasské = chazarské – (mažgarské; mišerské) + bulgarské) – pušky – (píšťaly) z 12. – 13. storočia.  =

= Татарски  Национални - ( Кипчакски = Кумански = Кунски = Половецки = Печенегски = Берендейски =  = Агацирски =  Буртаски = Хазарски -  {Мажгарски; Мишерски} + Булгарски) - пушки - (мускети ) от  12 - 13 век.  =

= Tatariska nationella - (kiptjakska = kumaniska = kuniska // (köniska ) = polovetska  = petjenegiska = berendasiska = agatsiriska =  burtasiska = khazariska - { maygariska, misjereriska } + bolgariska) -  handeldvapen – (hakebössor) frĺn 1100- eller 1200-talet.  =

= Tatár nemzeti ( kipcsák = kumániai = kun = poloveci = besenyő = berendei // berend = agatir = burtasz = kazár {mazsgar, misériai} + bolgár) puskák a 12.-13. századból.  =

 = Nacionaliniai Totorių – ( Kipčiakų = Kumanų = Kunų = Polovcų = Pečenegų = Agacirų = Berendėjų = Chazarų – { Mažgarų, Mišerų + Bulgrų } - šautuvai - ( muškietos )  // patrankos  -  ( muškietos )  - 12 -13 amžiaus. =

= مدفع يدوي قومي تتاري – (قيبتشاكي = كوماني = كوني = بولوفي = بيتشونغي = بيريندي = اغاتسيري = بورتاسي = خزري

 ).  = { 13  -12  } -– { ماجغاري ، ميشيري} + بلغاري) ، يعود الى القرنين (الثاني عشر-الثالث عشر

= Tatarska  Narodowa - (Kipczacka = Kumańska = Kunowska = Połowiecka = Pieczyngowska - Berendejska = Agacyrska = Buratska = Chazarska - {Mażgarska; Miszerska} + Bułgarska - armata (piszczał) 12 - 13 wieku. =

=  Tatāru nacionālās - (Kipčaku = Kumānu = Kūnu = Polovecu = Pečenegu = Berendeju = Agasiru = Burtasu = Hazāru - (Mazgāru; Mišeru) + Bulgru) vaļņu lielgabali (musketes) XII. – XIII. gs. =

=  Canhăo de măo - (Arcabuz) Nacional Tátaro - (Kiptchaki = Cumano = Cuno = Polovetsi = Pechenegue = Berendere = Agatsariano = Burtasiano // Burtaso = Hasare – (Majhare; Michere)+ Bulgárico) dos séculos XII -XIII.  =

=  Татарские   Национальные - ( Кыпчакские = Куманские = Кунские = Половецкие = Печенегские = Берендейские = Агацырские =  Буртасские = Хазарские -  {Мажгарские; Мишерские} + Булгарские) - пушки - (пищали )   12 - 13 веков.  =


Offline mullet

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 The appropriate place is the Around the Campfire.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline readfox

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« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 01:44:30 am by Pat B »

Offline Pappy

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  • if you have to ask you wouldn't understand ,Tenn.
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Offline readfox

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Dear, Dear Pappy !!

What does it mean ??

Offline Pappy

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  • if you have to ask you wouldn't understand ,Tenn.
Don't mean anything except I guess I ant smart enough to know what you are talking about. :)
Read it just don't understand it. ???
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline readfox

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Dear, Dear Pappy !!

Why did You  name  Youself  as  the ant smart enough ?
Let alone about the end of  Your  "SMART"  sentance, that  You  know what  I  am  talking about!!!

Modest  exprassion. is not   it ?  ???

I more than obliged to You  PAPPY,  as You realised all, it  means,  that  You  pardon all.

Thanks !!!
« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 03:13:43 pm by readfox »

Offline aznboi3644

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lost I am

Offline CherokeeKC

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Yeah me too.  I researched Tater and I cant find anything.
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Offline osage outlaw

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I came up with Tater salad.  AKA Ron White.  I don't think that is what he is talking about.
I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left

Offline Pat B

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Hey guys. We are having a bit of a communication problem because of a language barrier. Please be patient with Readfox.
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Offline El Destructo

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I came up with Tater salad.  AKA Ron White.  I don't think that is what he is talking about.

Tater Salad...hum...well he was born and raised 14 miles from me...Mr. Ron 'Tater salad " White

But I feel He is referring to an Arquebus .....meaning "hook gun"or "hook tube".... is an early muzzle-loaded firearm used in the 15th to 17th centuries.....also known as a hand cannon.... it has a matchlock..... Like its successor the musket.... it is a smoothbore firearm..... It is a forerunner of the rifle and other longarm firearms.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 03:17:36 am by El Destructo »
As a species we're fundamentally insane. Put more than two of us in a room, we pick sides and start dreaming up ways to kill one another.Why do you think we invented politics and religion.
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Offline adb

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I believe he's referring to the Tatars, which is an alternate spelling for the ancestors of the Mongol nation, an ethnic group in present day Russia. I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think the arquebus was in existance in the 12th century.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 10:37:20 am by adb »


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Did you put the picture and article in your first message here? If so, I do not see them.  I only see words that I do not understand.


Offline mullet

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 Pat will put the pictures back and get rid of the text nobody can understand. Please, stand by. ;)
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?