I came up with Tater salad. AKA Ron White. I don't think that is what he is talking about.
Tater Salad...hum...well he was born and raised 14 miles from me...Mr. Ron 'Tater salad " White
But I feel He is referring to an Arquebus .....meaning "hook gun"or "hook tube".... is an early muzzle-loaded firearm used in the 15th to 17th centuries.....also known as a hand cannon.... it has a matchlock..... Like its successor the musket.... it is a smoothbore firearm..... It is a forerunner of the rifle and other longarm firearms.
Dear El Destructo !!
It was forbidden to write earlier by the Russians. We The Tatars used this arms for with the chemical weaponce in 12 - 13 centures.
In "THE SHEEP'S BATTLE" in which the Mongols were killed for 95% by the ancestors of the Tatars - ( The Cumanians and The Idil - (Volga) - Kaman Boelgars).
All matiarials about this battle were forbbeden to publish by the Russians many centures, earlier.
In the second aggression of the Mongols against our Tataric ancestors:
1) Idil - (Volga) - Kaman Boelgars;
2) The Cumanians, We were bitten by the Mongols. After the Mongols by forces took this arms with the help of genosides, but did nor used it against of the Russians, they used it only one time in battle agaist of the Union of the Polish, German and the French Knights. The Inteligence Service of Czehia could recieve our sicret report, that's why Czehic forces were not injured, and had a lot of this artifacts, as the Poles, Germans and French. After Czehia become of the Asrtria - Hungary's part these top sicret documents are sicret of Ausrtia-Hungary Empire. The aggressive Czar Russian Empire killed and stolen all people in Europe and Orient who had these documents and know about this sicret. The aggresive Czar Russian Empire of the Romanovs made clendestine aggresions because of these documents agains Asrtria-Hungary, Prussia, Poland - ( Polish - Lithuanian Comonwealth), Ottoman Empire, Sweden, plus it agents killed a lot of people for these documents in France and Sweden.
Under terrible tutured and bribe gold our Hero ancesters, as warriors so Scientists did not give for the Mongolian anemies the sicrets of production of the chemical weaponce. OUR TATARIC HEROS BY THEIR LIFE SAVED THE EUROPE AND ORIENT FROM THE GAS ARMS. IT WAS SICRET OF MANY EMPIRES, INCLUDING OF THE THIRD REIH IN HITLER'S GERMANY.
To the happiness of the Tatars and World - wide science these documents are alive and realy kikking!!!
It was terible sicret many centures.
We the Tatars made rebelation in our 2 countriues against the Mongols' conqurest, after that battel the Mongols retured in our 2 State which were conqurest by the Monlols earlier:
1) The Idil - ( Volga ) - Kaman State Boelgary // Idil - ( Volga) - Kaman Boelgaric State - ( Please don't make mistake with the State Balcan Bulgaria on the river Danube);
2) Cumania.
The Moscovites it meance in the future the Russians could fight only 30% of their towns, but the ancestors of the Tatars were absolutly all aganist the Mongols. That's why the Mongols made Henocides against the ancestors of the Tatars.
Explanation about the ancestors names of the nowadays Tatars and our 2 State, which were conqureted at first the Mongols, than Timurlangs and than the Russians, which earlier were called by the Moscovites, as for You and the other users of this cyber web.
Zajaczkowski Ananiasz Achneserowitsch.
The Tataric - ( Polovetsian = Cumanian = Kipchakian = Cunian // Coenian = Pechenegish = Agatsirian ) - the Fortress «İbrahim - Cala» = «Ibragim - Kala» in Majgaria = MAJGARİLE. The security - restricted, secret contacts throughout centuries of the Cunians // the Coenians from The Great Cumania - (Nagykunság) and The Minor Cumania - (Kiskunság) in Hungary with the consanguineous relatives - Tatars from Majgaria - ( MAJGARİLE ) and Misheria - (MİŞERİLE), earlier these Homelands were the regions of Autochthonally - Historical Cumania = KIPÇAKİLE = Kypchakile = Cumania = KIPTCHAKLAND // KIPCHAKLAND = THE POLOVETSIAN COUNTRY = КЫПЧАКИЛЕ = КЫПЧАКИЯ = СТРАНА ПОЛОВЦЕВ.The dialogue is strict without the help, any foreign pseudo-friends and it’s confidential, proper way, hidden from obvious foreign enemies for the Cunians // the Coenians of Austria - Hungary from The Great Cumania - (Nagykunság) and The Minor Cumania - (Kiskunság) with the consanguineous relatives - Tatars from Majgaria - ( MAJGARİLE ) and Misheria - (MİŞERİLE), in the Russian Empire. The brochure are written in German, English, Polish, Hungarian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, the Dutch, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Persian, Arabian, Czechic, Romanian, Estonian and Russian languages. Publishing house “Free Press”. The Western Berlin. 1970.
* (After capturing of Cumania = The Country of the Polovetsians = KIPÇAKİLE = Kypchakile = KIPTCHAKLAND //KIPCHAKLAND = THE POLOVETSIAN COUNTRY = The Country of the Polovetsians = КЫПЧАКИЛЕ = КЫПЧАКИЯ = СТРАНА ПОЛОВЦЕВ, one of its two capitals, that means the capital of Northern Majgaria - ( MAJGARİLE ) - Ibragim Kala - (İbrahim - Cala) has been renamed by the Muscovites in Nizhniy Novgorod).
Without these knowleadge for You will be difficult realise, what I am speaking about!!
The Occidental part of the Tataric Nation - Kipchaks - Oghuz // Kipchakian - Oghuz = (Kipchaks - Khazar // Cumanians - Khazars = Kipchakian - Khazar //
// Cumanians - Khazars = Kipchaks - Khazarian // Cumanians - Khazarian = Polovetsians - Khazarian) - has seventeen 17 different names are used by the foreigners, as before occupation of the country, by the different aggressors, their Motherland - the State Autochtonally - historical Cumania =
= Kiptchakland // Kiptchakland = the Polovetsian Country = Valewien = La Comania = Het Polovetisch land = Kraju Polowców = KIPCSÁKORSZÁG = KUMÁNIA = KUNORSZÁG = KUNFÖLD sounds in the Tataric language as « K I P Ç A K İ L E » bordered with a number of the foreign States and each neighbour Nation called of the Occidental part of the United Mutual Tataric Nation in their own ways: Foreign neighbours name of the Occidental part of the Tataric Nation in their own ways. As before occupation of Autochtonally - historical Cumania = Kiptchakland // Kiptchakland = The Polovetsian Country -
- (in the Tataric language sounds as « K I P Ç A K İ L E ») - by the different occupanters, The State Cumania were called in different names by all its neighbours. Consequently the Occidental Part of the Tataric Nation - (Kipchaks - Oghuz = Kipchaks - Khazarian) - has fourteen different names:
l. The Ethnic name of the Occidental part of the Tataric Nation is the Kipchaks;
2. The Roman Catholic name of the Occidental part of the Tataric Nation is the Cumanians. // The Roman Catholic Nations and the Romanic // the Romance Nations name of the Occidental part of the Tataric Nation the Cumanians. It means that it went form the Classical Latin, where a the word Kipchakian human being in singular is Cumanus, and in plural the Kipchakians is Cumane. - The Cumanians. Transactions // Historical work - Codex Cumanicus. - Publishing house Ezakun, Copenhagen, Denmark;
3. The Hungarian name of the Occidental part of the Tataric Nation is the KUN (Never Hunns or Gunns), plural number in the Hungarian language is Kunok. Translation from the Hungarian language into the English language of the word "Kunok" is the Cunians // the Coenians;The other variant of name of the Kipchakians in the Hungarian language in a singular - Palocz;
4. The Hellenic (Greek) name of the Occidental part of the Tataric Nation is the Pechenegs;
5. The Germans name of the Kipchakians in the German language ” Valewen “ , in a singular - “ Valewe “, and in a plural Valewen.The name of the country of the Kipchakians - ( Valewen ) - in the German language is Valewien. This word, ” Valewien “ matters, in the German language of a measure, that is close to the conception to a certain extend - " Gingerland ", that means a Country of the chestnut men - ( a Country of the reddish - brown men ) ".
6. The Germano - Latin names of the Kipchakians are Falones // Phalagi // Valvi;
7. The Name of the Kipchakians in the Latin language is Pallidi.
8. The Italians name of the Kipchakians in the Italian language - “ I Comani “, in a singular - - “ Il Comano “, and in a plural - “ I Comani “.The name of the country of the Kipchakians - ( I Comani ) - in the Italian language is La Comania.
9. The name of the Kipchakians in the Georgian language is - “ Qivc'aq -“;
10. The name of the Kipchakians in the Armenian language is - “ Xbsax “ or “ Xartes ”;
11. The Islamic and the Arabian name of the Kipchakians:
A) The Islamic name of the Kipchakians is “ Xifjfx “// “Xifjax “ // “ Qifjfq ” // “ Qipcfq ” or “ Qifjaq ” // // “ Qifjiq “ on - (al - Umari) with 1297 on 1348. - ( The ethnonym Qibcaq was picked up by the Islamic authors (e.g. in the forms “ Xifjƒx ”, “ Qifjƒq ”, “ Qipcƒq ” etc.);
B) The Arabs named of the Kipchakians in the Arabian language in the beginning of XIII century as “ Qifjaq ” // “ Qifjiqs ” on - ( Ibn al – Air ).The second Arabian name of the Occidental part of the United Mutual Tataric Nation -- Kipchaks - Oghuz // Kipchakian - Oghuz = (Kipchaks - Khazar // Cumanians -
- Khazars = Kipchakian - Khazar // Cumanians - Khazars = Kipchaks - Khazarian // Cumanians - Khazarian = Polovetsians - Khazarian) - ( Majgaric +
+ Misherian ) - is the word “Sacaliba” in plural, and in singular is the word “Saclab”.
12. In the language of the Jews, in the Hewbrew language, the Kipchakians carry the name of
“ Kunim “, in a singular - “ Kuni ”, and in a plural - “ Kunim “.
13. The name of the Kipchakians in the Bosnian language - former Bogomilian and in the Croatian languages is “ Kuni “, or “ Kumáni ”, in a singular - “ Kun “, or “ Kumán “, and in a plural - “ Kuni “, or “ Kumáni “.
14. The Persians called the Kipcakians as “Saklab”, “Sakaliba”, and before of closest precursors in blood of the Kipchakians are called as “Elems”, “Ilems”, who had the synonym name as “Qang - Sumer”//// “Qangar - Sumer”// Qangur - Sumer // Sumer - Qan. The Persians in their Persian language called the Kipchakians as “Qan”, “Qang”, in a singular, and “Qangha” in plural.The collection of Sacred Zoroastrian manuscripts are called into the ancient East - Iranian language language - Avesta gives the name of the Pechenegians = the Kipchakians = the Cumanians = the Polovetsians, as Kangar // Kungur // Kan // Kang // in the singular, but in the plural, as “ Kangha”. The ancestors of the modern Tatars have tree main names: The Kipchakians; Khazarians; Boelgarians, Who were the same one ethnic People. - The one of these tree names of the ancestors of the modern Tatars gently got across from one to another in the times that changed each other.That’s why in the modern writing in the Tataric language for the Kipchakians of the one from the several main names of the nowadays living ancestors’ Tataric Nation is used the word - Kan or Kang, that is shown with the help of spelling and transcription, as the word - “QAÑ”. The Persians called the Ancient State of Khoresm by the name of “Qangha”, but the Chinese called the same Ancient State of Khoresm by the name of "Kangui".
15. Among the Amerinds - ( Who were called the American Indians earlier ) - We can meet the ethnicon - ( ethnic self - name as ) - “Comanche”. - ( Thomas Mayne Reid. The Headless Horseman.Book Publisher: London: Richard Bentley, 1866.
16. In the Chinese ancient sources of III century B. C. the Turkic speaking the Kipchakians == the Cumanians = the Cunians = the Polovethians =
the Pechenegishes = the Agatsirians = the Berendeans = the Khazarians - (Majgars, Misherians) + Boelgars , who are one of the three main ancestors of nowadays Tatars were named in the Chinese language as “Kyoeshe“- ( 古耶舍 ), and later the name of them in the Chinese language was, as “Kangui” - ( 康鬼 ). “Kyoeshe” - ( 古耶舍 ) - it is exact in the Chinese language philological shortening of the ethnicon - ( ethnic self - name as ) of the Kipchakians = = the Cumanians = the Cunians = the Polovethians = the Pechenegishes = the Agatsirians = the Berendeans = the Khazarians - (Majgars, Misherians) +
+ Boelgars, who are one of the three main ancestors of nowadays Tatars sounds as " Kukizhi " - (古吉日) - meaning in the Chinese language - “White - faced” .The Chinese in their old sources on Geography named the Ancient State of Khoresm as “Kangui” - (康鬼), but the Persians named the same Ancient State of Khoresm as “Qangha ” = (康哈) .
17. The Western Slavs' name of the Occidental part of the Tataric Nation is the Polovetsians - ( Plauci).
Rosallba II had not only idyllic // Platonical contacts with the Chieftain - (Konungr) - from the Eastern Europe which had three handsome sons:Leh - (Will have been called Pole in the Tataric language after that events were connected with Rosallba in the future; Çeh - (Will have been called Czech in the Tataric language after that events were connected with Rosallba in the future, as in our nowadays too;Meh - (Will have been called Slovakian in the Tataric language after that evnts connected with Rosallba in the future, who was the youngest from the three brothers. Rosallba II run away with Meh but only after discharging her duty . It means after perfectly finishing her works as intelligencer who was the real Patriotic daughter of the Tataric - (Cumanian // Cunian = Coenian // Kipchakian // Polovethian // Pechenegish // // Berendean // Agatsirian // Khazarian - (Majgaric, Misherian) + Boelgaric - mother country // fatherland, as for Rosallba, as for the real daughter of the Tataric Peoples, the only and exclusively the Tatatic Intelligence Service was the first thing should be done before running away with her darling - Meh . In that time as it was written in old Germanic documents all to know that the Tatarian // the Tataric - (Cumanian // Cunian = = Coenian // Kipchakian // Polovethian // Pechenegish // Berendean // Agatsirian // Khazarian - (Majgaric, Misherian) - women were exceptionally gifted in the Intellegence Service as nobody in the World because of their National Tatarian // Tataric - (Cumanian // Cunian = Coenian // Kipchakian // Polovethian // Pechenegish // // Berendean // Agatsirian // Khazarian - (Majgaric, Misherian) + Boelgaric - mind and education.
Çehile - The Tataric name of Czechia.
Lehile - The Tataric name of Poland.
Mehile - The Tataric name of Slovakia.