.... my purpose is to try to understand how the longbow functions in relation to what I know... the compound bow. I'm sincere in wanting to hunt with and learn to build longbows. The answers I wanted would effect my future decisions, such as deer lease choices, based on land layout... cover etc. ( Best time to get a lease is early... ) Hope that clears up why I'm asking....
In my archery journey I have killed deer with a compound out to 43 yards, with a glass recurve out to 32 yards and with a self longbow out to 18 yards. To be honest, some of that has to do with the way I set up with each weapon. You just naturally make setups to leverage the capabilities of the weapon you're using. It is also more enjoyable as the challenge increases and the distance to game decreases. Certainly, the weapon can kill game further than I can accurately shoot it, but at some point your goal shifts away from what's possible towards what's enjoyable.
When I want to shoot far or bringing home meat is critical, I carry a .243 or a .308. I'm not hung up on weapon type at all. Depending on the setup, how I feel and needs of the day I choose the weapon for that day. Quite frankly, my current lease hasn't been set up very well for self bows, so I've been carrying a glass recurve in bow season. That is changing though and I'll soon be going after hogs with a selfbow because I have a nice close setup now (and because it's fun

Good luck,