Danny, if you want to have an idea of this shooting style, try to find a biography of ISHI. Different pics show this unique man and his or his tribes to shoot this bow.
A few weeks ago here was a thread about a "Yoü tube`s" film of the early `60ties, which show the way of making such bows as well as to shoot them. Films title was "Sinew backed Bow"? or something like this. The film shows how to make the sinew layer. What makes me wonder is, that he puts the sinew dry on the glued bow. I`ve learnt and did it always this way, to soak the water soaked tendons with glue, strip? it through the fingers, because of too much glue and then lay it on the bows`back.
Silentbear, how do vou make it wet or dry?
Regards Uwe