I've made some progress on this bow, now that the Christmas exchange work and deer season are past. It will be a 48" bend through the handle static recurve. I glued on some mesquite recurves and have it bending the way I think it should with a slightly long string. It looks like this:

Right now it is 70#@10" on a string tight against the bow's belly. It pulls deceptively easily for that much draw weight, I suppose some of that is likely the long string. I was shocked when I looked at the tillering scale and realized how much weight I had on it. This brings me to my next question. I glued the recurves on (using smooth-on epoxy) with a fishtail splice that started at 2" long but is now less with limb thinning. I plan to wrap this joint on the finished bow, but I'd rather not do that until I have the limb to thickness. I could put a pin through the splice sideways the way I do handle splces but I don't know if that is a good idea or not. Will that joint take the stress of going to full draw without being wrapped?
Here's what the joint looks like.

I'm anxious to get the bow braced and finish it up, but I don't want to break one of the recurves off either.
Thanks in advance.