Hi friends,
after reading the topics about white oak backings I wanted to give it a try so I went to a friend's wood shop and got for free a nice piece of white oak 4cm wide +200cm long and 1'5 cm thick. It has one of the straightest grain patterns I've seen but I'm concerned about two things.
First all allong the boar d is marked wuth downwarding dark stripes, you can see them here:

They run diagonally all through the board. Should I be worried about this?
And second, in some parts of theboard there are some marks like swirls:

Should I be concerned about this?
My second question is about a piece of wood that I've found at the same place. I don't know what kind of wood it is. The color is reddish brown, the grain is very apparent with tiny cracks and hollows in it and it doesn't stain. It is heavy and hard (It can't be marked with my hand nails). I've seen it used in benches and flooring. I know it is not ipe or bangkirai. Maybe you know what is it.
