Im going to follow ryoon´s example and post my version of just one bow (I belive the "one bow" project is very thought provoking and worthy exercise):
Its a simple Møllegabet design with relative short/medium levers, its from a wych Elm sapling (should I be forced to choose just one type of wood...wych Elm would be IT), its approx 64" and 50-55# @29", heat treated, but no induced reflex, nocks with horn overlays. Its a bow I belive I can make under most conditions, with a variaty of wood species.....and being from denmark its "in line" with my heritage;-). I have keept it simple for this project (no handle, no arrow shelf, no correcting small quirks, fast tillering)....just simple yet effective.

Damn...gotta find decent clothes for my next featured bow;-)

PS: I add handle and arrow shelf later