Thanks D. Tiller

Mullet we would have loved to have met you. Next year You NEED to mark it on your calendar. Pappy's wife is the woman on the left. Sarah is more forward in that pic. we have several group shots so check out the thread on the event page too...I have the longer of the brown hair I am the farthest right in that pic. Next to DustyBaer I believe. Kind of dark...Monroe, the publisher, is next to JoanieB, Pappy's wfe. Pat is the one who had not shaved yet, this year....

I know some people got left out of each set of pics. We had to take the group pic 2x and still people got left out. Everyone sure was kind to the Primitive Archer Mag. crew. and Dustybaer despite his ramblings in German, seemed so loveable people were just giving things to him! He socked away quite a few goodies.

the home made beer was fabulous and I am still enjoying the home made wine!