Volumes have been argued on this subject across many forums on the internet so I'll be careful what I say here. If shooting the bow instinctively isn't working for you don't feel like less of a man for try an aiming technique. I chuckled when I read some of the comments that say with a rifle or muzzleloader the hunter doesn't miss. No, because you are aiming the rifle at a spot. If you do the same with a bow you will most likely hit. I would even suggest you mark your riser with a marker to know where you should aim for 15 yards and get a clean kill than wound deer trying to make it happen. There is nothing wrong with instinctive shooting but just like everyone doesn't hit a jump shot on the basketball court naturally, not everyone can look at a spot and hit it right off with a bow. Again, this isn't a measure of manhood, but rather an enjoyable sport in which you find success. At the end of the day you are going out to kill an animal so I would suggest you experiment with some aiming techniques. I'd be glad to help out if you want some suggestions. Till then best of luck.