Thanks for all the nice posts but... this ones actually a screw up. Its been sitting on the rack for a few years . I cut a kerf a bit to shallow on the belly side and while tillering exposed the bubinga . I was going to put a bamboo belly on it after that but said the heck with it and kept shaving until the entire bubinga kerf was exposed. Luckily it still held some decent poundage.
While I was posting this last night I got to thinking. These are man sized arrows 28" and this kids only going to be drawing maybe 24" so I'm whipping out some 25" 35# numba one chinese bamboo arrows.
Jeff, you got it bamboo backed osage/bubinga. Can't wait to go shoot with him. Scott

These little 25" boo arrows shoot like darts.
Will get the full draw up as soon as it quits raining.