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  • Presque Isle Field Archers: May 02, 2007
  • Presque Isle Field Archers: May 03, 2007
  • Presque Isle Traditional Shoot: May 26, 2007
  • Presque Isle Traditional Shoot: May 27, 2007

Author Topic: 2nd Annual Presque Isle Field Archers Traditional shoot(Memorial day week end)  (Read 73029 times)

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Offline Ryano

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  • Ryan O'Sullivan, North Western Pennsylvania
Thanks Chad. Hope you can make it next year! These guys are Great shots! We put them threw a torture test, and Claude Stewart of Butler Pa, managed to narrowly take the win over Glenn Mucha of buffalo Ny,
followed by Jeff Kent of Mercer Pa, then Chris White of Butler Pa, and Gary Groll of Cambridge Springs Pa.

Send me a email about your cds :)
Its November, I'm gone hunt'in.......
Osage is still better.....

Offline Pappy

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  • if you have to ask you wouldn't understand ,Tenn.
Ya I know Glenn,he is a great guy,he gave me one of his quivers and I use it all the time.
Great cook also.Glad you had a big time hope to make the next one.
TwinOaks Bowhunters
Life is Good

Offline Calendargirl

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GREAT Pic!!!  Looks like y'all were having a good time.  Give us details of how it all went Ryan! More pics too! :)
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Offline Ryano

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  • Ryan O'Sullivan, North Western Pennsylvania
Thanks Pappy! ;) Hope you can make it! ;D

Marie,the picture is of the five finalists of a little competion we hold called the traditional bowhunter challenge. Left to right is Jeff Kent(last years winner), Claude Stewart(this years first place winner),Chris White, Garry Groll, and Glenn Mucha(second place runner up and winner of our other contest-The smoker round) 8
"The traditional bow hunter challenge".
We open a Qualifying round at our practice range where we make the contestants shoot under extreme pressure and we take the top 5 qualifiers on a woods walk around one of the 3-D courses were they can expect more of the same, they not only have to shoot well but we make them answer all kinds of hunting oriented questions as well as call various animals and so that they are infact prepared for a real hunt....

"The Smoker Round"
This was a new one for this year, basically this is how it works. Any one can participate, you put $1.00 in the pot and can only bring one arrow with you. Again we run you threw the ringer as we take you out on one of the 3-D courses, the object is to get the best score with out loosing or breaking your only arrow, and we don't make it easy.... :o Who ever makes it threw with the best score and still has there arrow in one piece wins the pot! :)

We also have 2 normal 3-D courses you can shoot as much as you want all weekend, seminars on flint knapping and selfbow building, swap meet, traditional vendors, door prizes, and a wonderful pot luck dinner on Saturday night.

I Hope next year some of the primitive archer family can make it! :)
Its November, I'm gone hunt'in.......
Osage is still better.....

Offline Ryano

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  • Ryan O'Sullivan, North Western Pennsylvania
I will post some more pictures as soon as I get them.... ;D
Its November, I'm gone hunt'in.......
Osage is still better.....

Offline Calendargirl

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I hope so too!  We are trying to get a list together of events we want to attend.  If any of those guys are on the forum post their forum name.  Remember at the classic how we weren't sure if we should call people by their forum name or real name?  It is so great putting the names and faces together.  Definitely makes more of a family feel and creates more of a desire to travel to these different places to meet up and learn more and get to know each other better.  I love that each person has something really valuable to bring to the table.  And the different personalities are such a great example of what makes the world go round don't you think?  ;)  The funniest thing about the Tenn Classic was people saying they just stopped their car and said "Hey that is Pat, I recognize that beard anywhere!!"
We love the pics!  Keep them coming!
You shouldn't grow a wishbone where your backbone should be.

Offline Pat B

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That was an unfair advantage that everyone else had on me. >:( Just wait til next year! ::)  Pat
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline Pappy

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  • if you have to ask you wouldn't understand ,Tenn.
Pat I think I would have known you without the beard,you know that shinny head,O did I say
that. ;D ;D ;)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
Life is Good

Offline Ryano

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  • Ryan O'Sullivan, North Western Pennsylvania
None of the guys in the picture are members here to my knowledge, Although Some of you may remember "Pennhawk" Chris Ireland, He was there and is a good friend of mine. As well as well my brother PatO and I. Actually I think Claude in the photo is a member he just doesn't post much....I think his handle is Stew or something like that. :)

 I would love to have some more primitive/selfbow type events at the future shoots,and maybe draw in some of you guys and gals...
I know Chad said he would come and play for us next year...

We also have several novelty targets set up and we are going to try to add another each year...right now we have a running deer, running pig and bear that climbs a tree...... 8)
Its November, I'm gone hunt'in.......
Osage is still better.....