discussion to the thema was whatever is viable to set up a set of targets of known dimensions and distance, which everybody could use, chart our progress on internet and evalute what is or what is not possible in terms of heavy bow shooting.
I like the sound of the man or horse sized targets,if the heavy bow shooters could agree on the dimensions and have a few test shots we'd have a better idea of what the Bows are capable of,but it still wont put them in the hands of a 14CE Archer,who i think its fair to say,was head and shoulders above todays standards.
Personnaly i'm not a a very good shot with my Bow but i'm confident enough to hit targets at 70mts,nothing bracelet size mind you,i'm just happy if i hit the bail

However,Mark Stretton won the Herstmonceaux tournament three years on the trot with his 160lb WarBow,so he's pretty accurate with his,the rest of us need to catch up to his and Simon's standards
