@adb, sailordad: yes the bottom limb is stiffer, and the tiller is ~3/8" positive at the deepest point of the curve, which may be a bit too much, since the upper limb is also ~3/4" longer. It does balance nicely when pulled, though, thats why I'm insecure!
@Holton: It's great to see it pictured like that: That's exactly where I thought it doesn't want to come around.
@Mark: I have worked it slowly and I have worked it a lot, but maybe not enough. I'll do that some more when it has gained a normal moisture content after the toasting; it's fairly humid around here right now, would you say 4 days, 5 days would be enough?
@Gordon: you are right, it appears to look like that on the pictures, but I just gave it a close inspection, and it tapers the way it should except for several bumps due to some pin knots which may have cause the imagination.
@everybody: whenever I asked a question here in the past I was given answers that helped me solve the problem, this time is no exception. Thanks for that!