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glass knapping hints

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Can anyone steer me in the right direction as far as hints, instructions tools etc on glass knapping.  thanks tr

tgr: it depends on what level your at, if just starting out you'll be able to get away with a small antler billet or about 3/4" copper bobber, and medium abrader for the rough out - later in the process it's good to have an ishi stick, but with glass you can prolly get away with a small pressure flaker - just a small length of broom handle with a copper nail inserted into the end.
  there's all kinds of help online - video's, books, etc. It's best to find someone in your area that you can hook up with. Hope this helps.

Pat B:
The dumpster behind your local glass company is a good source of knapping material.   Pat

Go to wally world arts and crafts section and look for a bag of sea glass its perfect for practicing on.


Buy lots of band-aids. Trust me.   :)  Don't know what level of knapping you're at, but if you're just starting, here's a pretty good basic tutorial for knapping points out of beer bottle bottoms: . If you've knapped other stuff, just not glass: prepare good well-abraded platforms well below the center line, glass breaks easily when you hit a bit high on the platform, and the edges crush easily if they're not good and solidly abraded.


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