Why do I always do this to myself?

...working a difficult stave with only a short time to make it happen.
I put about 2 hours into this stave yesterday to get where it is now. I only have one problem spot that really concerns me and that is the kink in the limb. I will use heat to reflex the stave(it is deflexed now) and maybe a little for other issues but when I pull a string from tip to tip it passes over a portion of the handle so I hope I don't have to do too much.
The kink in that one limb kinda concerns me but I may just leave it be and work around it. This stave does have a little prop twist but most of that will be removed when I reflex it.
It's gonna be a fun one to work on and since it is going to a very special person I want to do the best i can. I'm open to suggestions if anyone is interested.
The last 2 pics shows the kinked area as does the back and belly pics.