Author Topic: True Selfbow Class  (Read 9256 times)

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Offline Ranger B

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Re: True Selfbow Class
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2010, 07:25:31 am »
Just to throw another plug in guys.  If you come to IBO Worlds you get to shoot another Twin Oaks course.  We built another course for the shoot so we had 3 x 20 target ranges and the 25 target hunter challenge.  Like Pappy said, it's a great opportunity to shoot, meet a lot of other traditional shooters and have a great time at Twin Oaks.  We are trying to grow this event and will have a video out in January for you to take a look at.  IBO is first and foremost a hunting organization and no one likes hunting more than the selfbow fellars so we hope to see a lot of selfbows walking around.  Last year we had a lot of folks really interested in our craft.  I put tip overlays on a fellow's bow and had a dozen spectators that just wanted to see how it's done.  They like to see the knapping, the hides, etc.   It's a good chance to show people the primitive skills that this site is most proud to carry forward generation after generation.  Hope to see you there.

Offline GregB

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Re: True Selfbow Class
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2010, 01:47:19 pm »
My two cents worth would be backing only of rawhide or sinew. Leather and/or cut-in shelfs okay. Arrow of wood or cane, plastic nocks okay on arrows. If the rules are too exclusive, you risk not opening up to enough folks to fill the ranks of making that class worth while doing.

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Offline Pappy

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Re: True Selfbow Class
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2010, 08:11:53 am »
I am not so worried about the self bow guys,we had several of them last year,it is what to do with the backed bow folks if we don't let them shoot in that class,only had one that I know of last year,you would think there would be a lot more. :) Jimmy I think I will leave it up to you and Levy to figure it out ,I will be happy with what every yall come up with. It really don't matter to me,if I am shooting like I should I can shoot with any of them at that distance,if I am shooting bad I can't even shoot with the pee wee's. It all up to me. ;) ;D ;D Equipment don't have much to do with it.  :)   
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline ohma

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Re: True Selfbow Class
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2010, 12:58:06 pm »
i think a selfwood bow ought to be just that.any backing is a backing.dont matter if it is docoration or a protective measure.
if your not dead you are getting older so get out and shoot some arrows.