Thanks again Pat, that is very helpful. Your bow for Britny has inspired me to take a closer look at a piece of osage I brought in the about 3 weeks ago to figure out what I might want to do with it. It is an inside, V cut left over from anothe bow project. It has a whoop-de-doo in the midlle of the stave. Last night after re-reading your this post, I saw the bow potential

I got out the tape measure and sure enough the whoop-de-doo is exactly center of the 61" stave. The whoop-de-doo already has my handle laid out for me. It does get a bit thin one end where the split thins out near the edge facing the camera. But, it's 2" wide. so I think I'll be fine by the time I taper the tips. All I have to lose is a couple hours chasing a ring and laying out the bow, then I'll know what I have for sure. Heck, I could use the practice doing both those chores.

Here's the pics. I hope I'm not hi-jacking your thread to much. Promise to start my own thread as soon as I get the bow roughed out.