Author Topic: had to complain  (Read 3533 times)

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Offline recurve shooter

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had to complain
« on: December 03, 2010, 07:40:42 pm »
ok, let me start by tellin yall about my girlfriend. shes twenty years old, graduated highschool with a 4.0 gpa and a perfecly clean disciplinary record, was in the girlscouts pretty much all her life, she's smart as a whip and handles her buisness. she has never been in any kind of trouble with the law, never done any drug, no tobacco, drinks only very very little and very far apart, ect. here a while back she was really sick and stressed out from school and trying to go to sleep in her dorm. its kind of an appartment, but its an on campus dorm, four rooms, a livin room, and a kitchen, four people in the unit. anyway her room mates and the guys from a few floors up were drinking and partying and wouldnt keep it down so she could go to sleep. finaly she asked her "friends" to move it up stairs so she could go to sleep. they just smarted off and laughed and went on with what they were doing. at this point i was ready to fix it my way (grabbing the biggest guy there and showing them exacly what i meant by leave) but she wouldnt let me. cuz she's the smart one. she does everything right. she obeys every law all the time. instead she called university police. when they finaly showed up they didnt do a thing. i mean i think they confiscated the booze, but there were no actions taken against the five or six underage people there drinking, or the one guy there who bought it all for them. sooo after that the other three girls in the dorm, of course, hate my girlfriend, and every day they threaten, insult, and just harrass her constantly, and despite her reporting it all, nothing is ever done about it. last night she was just sitting up writeing a paper when houseing and upd busted in and started questioning her about drug use. you know, the whole light in the eye test, ect, and they were convinced that she was on speed. she gave them permission to search her stuff, and they did, and of course didnt find anything that wasnt perscribed to her. anyway after that they finally decided to kick her out of the dorm and move her to another, which is all we wanted from the moment all this began. over the last two months or so the poor girl has lost like fifteen pounds, and the stress has just played hell on her, and there hasnt been one person on that campus lift a finger to do anything to help her. oh, and on top of it all the main room mate she was fighting with is failing most of her classes and has quite the arrest/disciplinary record from her highschool. my family has always been a family of outlaws. they have always done what needed to be done despite what was leagle and have usualy payed for it. i cant take this route because i want to be a game warden, but man this whole episode realy makes me loose faith in those who are supposed to make sure everything goes how its supposed to.  :-[
lets just shoot it

Offline Kitsu

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Re: had to complain
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2010, 11:10:20 pm »
damn, that is stupid as hell, why the hell should she be punished and accused, i really hate how stupid people can be, and how apathetic people can be...

people need to stop treating the good people like crap.... trust me, i know how it is, i have an 89 average (would have been more but i slacked around a bit ^.^), and, while i may still be n highschool, the people who have never done drugs, never done anything stupid to ruin their lives, are the one to suffer. Every day of my life, i am lied to, pushed around, and, honestly, if you fight back, you become the bad guy

it is kind of sad... the more innocent and pure a person is, the more someone suspects they are hiding something...

i have had people search my locker for pot, crack, meth, etc, you name it, they looked, but i am clean, there is nothing.

all i can say is that i hope she can pull through... and i hope you take care of her, she obviously needs someone, and i think you should spend some time with her, to give her something to look forward to each day.

"If you open your mind for me
You won't rely on open eyes to see
The walls you build within come tumbling down
And a new world will begin" ----- Queensryche, "Silent Lucidity

R.H , Southeastern PA/Western PA.

Offline recurve shooter

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Re: had to complain
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2010, 04:25:14 pm »
yeah man im in highschool myself. and i mean not all law and athourity is screwed up like that, but it sure seems that to much of it is. and trust me i take care of her.  ;D
lets just shoot it

Offline aero86

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Re: had to complain
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2010, 08:10:09 pm »
well, it sucks, lifes not fair.  college is that way..  but it sucks to have to go through that to get change though..  my room mates were like that when i was in school.  i found a girlfriend and moved in with her.  easier than fighting with them. 
profsaffel  "clogs like the devil" I always figured Lucifer to be more of a disco kind of guy.


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Re: had to complain
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2010, 10:03:16 am »
Very sorry to hear about the troubles you're both going through :(  I hope your girlfriend's new digs prove more habitable for her.

Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: had to complain
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2010, 11:08:46 am »
I understand completely. I am an older guy(63) an honest, honorable man and stand up for what is right. I am the one who stopped the 4 wheeler riders from turning a mans adjacent property into a mud hole, asked my neighbors to keep their cats at home after they sprayed my expensive deck furniture and requested the neighbor lady who owned a lab that barked 25K times in an evening( I did the math) to please bring the dog in at night so we could sleep.  I am hated by most of my neighbors who don't share a sense of of what is right like I do and are only interested in what they can get away with.

What they fail to realize is I will be the one who will confront someone who is burglarizing their house, take charge of any injury or health issue they have and get them help because it is the right thing to do.

 I mow the property I kept the 4 Wheeler riders off once a week because the owner doesn't come around often (almost 3 acres). Keeping it groomed makes all our property look better plus it is the neighborly thing to do.

I play stupid and cheerful when I meet the icy stares of my neighbors. The thing about these types of people, they will never "get it".

Offline recurve shooter

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Re: had to complain
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2010, 12:05:05 pm »
thanks for all the replies guys. i was halfway expecting to get attacked for posting this. looks like the world is just kinda starting to hate the good guys.  :(
lets just shoot it

Offline Kitsu

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Re: had to complain
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2010, 03:47:49 pm »
thanks for all the replies guys. i was halfway expecting to get attacked for posting this. looks like the world is just kinda starting to hate the good guys.  :(

thats how the world is, people grow more selfish each day, its a downward spiral, and until people hit rock bottom, they won't understand that what they are doing is wrong
"If you open your mind for me
You won't rely on open eyes to see
The walls you build within come tumbling down
And a new world will begin" ----- Queensryche, "Silent Lucidity

R.H , Southeastern PA/Western PA.

Ian Johnson

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Re: had to complain
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2010, 12:43:21 am »
im recurve shooter's buddy Ian and i go to the same college as his girlfreind, the campus police dont do crap, there are not enough good people left in this world