Author Topic: Blair county PA  (Read 8153 times)

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Offline Bitterguy

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Blair county PA
« on: June 19, 2012, 01:17:43 am »
looking for a club near Blair county Pennsylvania
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Re: Blair county PA
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2012, 05:39:34 pm »
Isnt there a local archery club somewhere over there? Im sure there is....theres gotta be one at least around the altoona area...that might be a good starting point to find others who have similar interests as you. It might mostly be compound guys but usually theres at least a few glass stick,and maybe a selfbow guy thatll pop up at there 3d archery shoots. Do some searches and find what places(sportmens clubs) have 3d archery shoots and attend them,and be on the lookout and ask about fellow wood bow enthusiasts. We live in PA,and there is lots of closet wood bow guys around,and lots more glass stick guys,ya just have to look hard to find the wood bow guys.

As i told ya before im over in beaver county,and i know a few guys in my local area who make bows. And i know theres some folks over there in central PA.

Go sign up on trad gang(another archery forum),and go talk to a guy who goes by "Roy from Pa"(send him a pm),  hes on the bowyers bench quite a bit and lives out your way,and theres a few other guys that are close to him,and they get together from time to time unofficially.

Offline Bitterguy

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Re: Blair county PA
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2012, 03:51:09 pm »
Alright I'll check that out, thank you
« Last Edit: June 20, 2012, 04:56:07 pm by Bitterguy »
Repetition is key.
Repetition is key.
Repetition is key.
Repetition is key.
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Offline StickandString

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Re: Blair county PA
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2012, 11:36:01 am »
looking for a club near Blair county Pennsylvania

I live in Altoona, to my knowledge there are no traditional clubs.

I go to Cumberland, MD for traditional shoots.

I would be interested in being part of a traditional club.

There are 2 bow shops in the area : 1 with targets and 1 with both 3-d and targets.

Please send me a message, maybe we can get something started around Blair County
Ned Miller