Wow guys, didn't expect to see this thread resurrected after so long
Thanks for the compliments guys. This has undoubtedbly been my best bow. I love everything about it and have kidded my buddy about trading him another bow so I could get this one back

It is easy to brace because of the mild R/D, very stable, FAST although I wish I had a Chrono so I could get real numbers, Doesn't stack, and is very quiet.
Yep 4 nodes on the boo. The power lam is 14" The longest lam used to build up the riser was 11", after shaping and a little bit of work in the fades it ends up just over 10" usually. The shelf isn't cut quite to center, I only recently made one cut to center.
Thanks again for the compliments. The trade bow I will be building will be as much a replica to this bow as possible, in so far as unstrung, braced and FD profiles. It will be much prettier though, and I'll probably go even skinnier on the tips.