Well, this is the first bow I've built this fall. Actually started it this spring for a friend.
Boo backed IPE....47lbs at 26in., 60in NTN. Riser is a bit different in that it is actually done with the "I" beam style. Really dark IPE center core and birds-eye maple outer checks. I wanted to showcase the birds-eye.....My friend's favourite wood. Tips were a reflection of the riser.Looks pretty cool.
The stain on the boo is brown-green-then black leatehr dye, buffed back to create the camo effect. Worked OK I think..
Two coats of shellac as sealer with 6 coats of TRU-Oil.
The tiller kicked my butt on this one. I think I got it tho.
Buddy seems to like it too. It shoots remarkably well, as most Ipe bows will.
Let me know what you think.
Additional pics in the next post.