Guess I should clarify my intentions a little. Ive always heard that the Leni Lenape aka Delaware natives of my area shot yellow birch bows 48" long, an inch wide all the way to the tips, with 100# draw weights at an excess of 100 yards. No one knows if this is true but the Quakers docummented it this way. Quakers arent notorious for exaggeration so Im inclined to beleive it. They were supposed to be bend throught the handle, with a uniform belly to back thickness. Its said that their bows were fragile and they just shot them until they broke and made another one. Leni Lenape translates to "real men" by the way. This bow was intended to be more of a historical experiment, just to see if any of this was even possible. Like I said I got it to 60# at 26". I Broke a 140# hemp string with it. Honestly I think 100# would be possible with wood from a better, more mature tree. I made alot of mistakes with this bow but if you aint making mistakes, you aint tryin hard enough I say. My next bow will be a polar opposite to this. Going for a 72" maple board bow. Again Ill be making this as heavy as possible and probably backing it with rawhide. keep your eyes peeled!
Thanks again