alright first of all thanks for all the input im glad others are interested . as i said the tiller was a guess if you look at the blown up pic by Frank the working limb bends like a mini regular limb i think u have to ignore the levers and watch the workin limb JMO.
the only thing i truly disagree with is the comparison to the turtle bow , which for those that dont know was a log with a bow in the center, these levers are 3/8th to 5/8th and hardly like Hamm's turtle bow that if memory serves me made it 21 feet !
i did the flight shoot with it this morning in not so fare conditions rainy and foggy, however 460gr arrows with ma2 broadheads had a 148 yrd. four shot average.
this one was 17 lbs lighter than the bow with 15 inch working limbs and 11inch levers which got 183 yrd average. so i think its fair but not as good as it could be . Rich has said before that equal lever ,limb length ratios were optimum and i agree after this expirement.
i would start removing lever length but that would require retillering down to 44lbs each time to get proper judgement of effiency, limbs are less than a 1/4 so im done with it , thanks everyone !