Here's a peak at my third bow, pretty much done tillering. It's very similar to my first two, being a 68" maple self bow (rawhide backed), but it's quite a bit lighter in draw weight. I'm making it for my dad, who's not the superman he used to be anymore, so it draws 40 lbs at 28 inches. Will lose a pound or two after finish sanding, and his draw probably wont be a full 28, so he'll be pulling around 35 I'm guessing.
More pics to come once it's finished. By the way, the red arc on the picture is just superimposed to check the tillering. I've been finding this technique to be very helpful for a greenhorn such as myself. Every 2 or 3 scraping sessions I'll take a picture, run in the house, and photoshop an ellipse on to make sure my limbs are still bending evenly and in a nice arc. I've also found that for some reason, looking at a picture of the bows drawn on the tiller tree is for some reason a lot easier for me to "read" than just looking at it with my eyes, I'm not sure why.

I can look at it on the tree and wonder what to do next, and then look at a picture of the same thing and say to myself, "Oh, that's where it's got to come off". Crazy...