Nice looking quiver, I just want to say thanks,we really appreciate this,I don't really know how this all got started but if my memory serves me ,I think a few years back PatB /El/Dana /Hillbilly and others I am sure I am not mentioning came and gave us some stuff to use as door prizes or
raffle off,we don't ask for anything but you can be sure it helps and goes toward the expense of the shoot.We for sure don't do it for the money,lots of better ways to make money and easier

It is for me as most of the TwinOaks gang a labor of love. It is the best gathering we have and most the folks that show up are like family to me,I think they know that. It is almost in barsing
and really humbelling to me when we receive such fine gifts from the heart. I just want everyone to understand you don't have to do this and would just as welcome either way.
Thanks for all your support over the years , just come and have some fun.

If you have never been I cam promise you will meet some of the finest most generous folks you will ever be around.