I used a rifle to do it...and don't feel a bit guilty about it

I've kept up with this buck for 3 years now, and decided this year I'd kill him if I got the chance.
I keep as many as 6 cameras up in the area I killed him in and would get lots of pictures of him. But from around mid August until late winter, I'd NEVER get any of him in day light hours. He'd often just vanish for as long as 2 months

Saturday night he crossed the road in from of me and my wife, not 500 yards from my stand.

I had a gut feeling the next morning was gonna be good.
The next morning it was raining so I decided to hunt in a box blind on the opposite end of the farm. After about an hour of sitting in that blind, a little voice in my head kept telling me I was in the wrong stand. I finally gave in and moved to the other side of the farm...The same area I saw this buck run into the night before. I climber into my tripod stand and within 3 minutes he stepped out of the thicket right in front of me
THAT...was a mistake!
Not a bow kill, but as much of a challenge for me as any deer I've ever hunted...no matter the weapon.
Only 6 points, but dressed out at 191 lbs.
BTW...I called him "Boo" because his antlers kinda reminds me of a Caribou.