Steve, if you remove enough wood from the sides that will weaken the tips enough to bend the will be whip tillered.
Hmmm, yeah, but surely exactly the same can be said of removing wood from the belly?
Wherever it's removed from it will probably need to be done progressivlely with less at the tips.
Only if the limbs have constant thickness will an even reduction in thickness keep an even tiller.
Similarly if the limbs have tapered thickness, then an even reduction in width should maintain an even tiller.
But of course most limbs taper a bit in both width and thickness, so I guess it's just down to taking it easy and doing what suits the bow.
I happen to be thinking of wide flatbow/pyramid styles at the moment as that's what I've been making. I s'pose with an ELB I'd take it off the belly, so it depends on the bow...I'll just keep arguing with myself for a while...

(I the reserve the right to be completely wrong (I'm reliably informed by Mrs Cat that it does happen!

Hope you guys don't think I'm being too argumentative?)