I've only had the opportunity to make 1 from cherry. It never exploded, was relatively fast, had twist like yours does, but I never could shoot straight with it. I ended up giving it away as a wall hanger. But I like cherry for bows. I have some more cherry drying right now and I can't wait to make me another one. I like to leave them a little wide and on the longer side, and also leave the belly slightly rounded. As said, they do like to chrysal and while the 1 bow I have made from cherry never exploded on me, I have always had a sneaking suspicion that cherry might be kind of that way, where some will and some won't, because the wood is light and has a powdery feel to it before it is finished. I say go balls to the wall with it like you would any other wood. Don't hesitate. Post yours and I'll post mine when I get around to making it, which probably won't be far off.