Nice looking bow, Cam! You did a super job of finishing that up!
Thanks, I guess I had a good teacher huh?
Hammertime - I believe it's rock maple, but I'm not 100% sure. It was just called "maple" at Windsor Plywood.
Very nice hope my #2 bow looks half that nice.
Thanks, but wait till you see number 3 and 4!

And to everyone else - thanks for your comments. I love the feedback.
I put some different bead work on the lace ends because I thought those wood beads (or "things") looked kinda crappy and will get a picture of that up when I get home. I'm out at dad's farm doing some tree hunting today. Got 5 or 6 nice chokecherry trees cut that I'm thinking will make excellent bow material, and a couple elm trees that should hopefully make a sh!tload of good staves. Was hoping to also drop a green ash tree, but couldn't really find one that was straight enough to get a stave without having a splice in the handle.
I'm contemplating redoing the handle wrap too and adding another piece of cork for a shelf on the other side to make it ambidextrous. We'll see how ambitious I get.