Author Topic: Halloween Buck  (Read 2777 times)

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Archer ED

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Halloween Buck
« on: November 02, 2010, 03:33:17 pm »
"Hallowed be Thy game"

Trick or treat and doe in heat equals another trophy and food to eat,

It was morning of Halloween Day. I was excited to get in my stand just before sunrise and I was expecting to see some action, but to my surprise 9:30 rolled around and I decided the morning was a bust. I moved to a second spot where I had been doctoring up a scrape line with Hoosier Trapper Supply, Doe in Heat. On our way out I spotted a couple of does playing around near some heavy cover and decided I wanted to try and take one more for the freezer. My camera man asked if I wanted him to film it and I said there was no need as we have two doe kills on tape this year already and told him I would meet him back at the truck. I used a small dried up creek bed to stalk within shooting range and just as I was going to draw for the shot I heard something from my left and out of this huge deadfall not ten yards from me rises this massive buck! He was bedded a few yards from an active scrape I had been putting HTS Doe in heat in for the last three days. I must have startled him but not enough and he began to walk stiff legged towards me to investigate. I dared not move a muscle and I was sure he could hear my heart beat coming out of my throat. He eventually calmed down and turned to look at the does who were now approaching. As he did I stood up in hopes of a shot but he sensed the movement, snorted and took off running through the woods. For whatever reason I took off too, running after him as fast as I could and within a hundred yards he had stopped to try and figure out what was running after him. He was on the top of a fairly steep hill and he turned slightly quartering towards me at around 60 yards. I could see the white patch on his throat and the front left shoulder sitting perfectly between to saplings. I told myself all I had to do was put it between and before I could even finish my thoughts I had drawn back my new custom Black Widow bow and released the arrow. It seemed like time had come to a stand still as I watched my white fletched arrow hit its mark perfectly between the front shoulder and the base of the neck. The wooden arrow was tipped with a Zwickey two blade, “No Mercy Series” Broadhead and it sank to the fletch. I hit him so hard it looked like I had broken his shoulder as he bull dozed angling downwards. He ran about fifteen yards and ran right into an old oak tree, fell backwards and expired within seconds. It all happened so fast, I’m still trying to catch up.

Two things, I am positive about today. One, the buck was bedded by the scrape because he was anticipating the return of the hot doe he thought was in the area and two, had my cameraman been with me I would not be telling this story. Instead it would have been about the one that got away. Sometimes its nice to share a solemn moment with our Creator whom made it all possible and to him I give all the Glory[/img][/img]

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Offline BearG

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Re: Halloween Buck
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2010, 04:10:44 pm »
Man thats A nice one.   Gotta love a Widow!!!!
I call a lot of people brother, but only count a few as family.