Main Discussion Area > Arrows

primary and secondary

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Justin Snyder:
Cutting them a little shorter in height would probably help minimize the difference. Most of the secondaries I have used have a stiffer area closer to the quill then abruptly goes soft. If you use the stiffer part it will be closer to the primary, but still not as stiff.  Justin

Pat B:
I wouldn't mix them unless I had to. As far as indicating the cock feather, I use the same color feathers for all 3. I use an indicator on the shaft itself to let me know, by feel, which way the arrow should be placed on the string but it really doesn't matter. Your arrow shoot as well with the cock feather in or out.   Pat

I use primarys but secondaries work fine on low poundage bows.They are not as nice looking as primaries and to soft for my use . Secondaries are also dull in color. In a pinch I would use them but would rather not.

wow you guys are picky. ive never even considered it. if it comes off a bird and is long enough it goes on the shaft. once there is blood on the feathers they all go flat. peace

But the important factor is before they get the blood on them.


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