Main Discussion Area > Arrows

primary and secondary

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Jamie, I am not very picky. Why I do not care for secondaries for fletching is I use to hunt with a 72# bow at my draw and secondaries were so soft that they would lay down and rob stabilization. Now that I think about it i can use them ,I can hardly pull back a 45#  bow now.:)

  If you are worried about a cock feather.Next time you shoot turn your cock feather in,you will not see much difference to worry about.Also the secondaries are good for the single fletch arrows like Bob shoots,not as much curve.

Pat B:
On cane and shoot shafts if it don't shoot good one way just flip it over and try it again. Usually it will fly better unless it is totally out of whack. :o
   I use primary, secondary, tail feathers and have used some of the smaller feathers for a native 3 fletch with full, small feathers tied up side down around the shaft to form a 3 fletch. Heck, You can tie pine needles on the back of your arrows and make them fly well. ???   Pat

amen brother pat. lol

Hey I bent a couple of store bought arras last night,(dont ask)whats the best way to straiten em?Auggie


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