Gino, Thanks for the reply. There is plenty of room for both sites. We can and will compliment each other. When we opened the war bow thread here on PA it was at the request of JD Duff, one of our members and a website moderator. We were filling a vacancy with a thread similar to what you all had, to accommodate the war bow buffs that lost their(your) war bow site. I believe I read the word "temporary" early on and I think we may have taken that another way than intended.

That is why we proclaimed our permanency. As long as Primitive Archer Magazine is around, the website will be around...and if I have anything to do with it, that will be a long time.

I hope there are no hard feelings about this matter and look forward to working with you guys to
fulfill the need for reliable information about war bows and related topics.
Thanks again for chining in. Communication is what this is all about! Pat