"By the way. Go make more bows"
lol , you know what, I think I will.

"I can't give examples with sinew because I've never sinew backed a bow but crushing a belly might not mean what you think it does. Excessive set would be an example of "crushing" the belly. "
Excessive set in a sinew backed bow?
"I guess you don't see a lot of crushed red oak bellies by sinew here because well a lot of us aren't trying to reinvent the wheel and are content to take advice from those who have gone before"
Here is a post from steve (bagder) which is contradicting what is being said about sinew crushing the belly of wood. Not to call out steve but I think what he says brings to light a contrary view on the nature of a sinew backed bow. He is also one of those guys with experience who I am supposed to take advice from like you said, right? Or do I have to pick and choose,

"Ken, sinew actually is pretty easy on the belly fibers. Even though sinew is pretty heavy stuff it won't net the bow any extra mass. Sinew is best applied where design elements for one reason or another are somewhat extreme. A 31" draw on a 65" bow would qualify for this easily. The sinew has to stretch to get your moneys worth out of it. Sinew is basicaly weak in tension but very elastic so it takes a lot of pressure off the belly. You would be very hard pressed to build a bow that could stretch sinew anywhere near it's limits. I think a 65" or 66" bow drawing 80# could be made to about the same demensions you would normally make a 60# bow. I would go for it ken, your climate will keep the sinew in primo condition. Steve"
From this thread:
http://paleoplanet69529.yuku.com/topic/17286I mean just to get it out there as I am on the fence as to what will happen. I even think I might try to back a wide bow only 2/8" thick. To see what will happen. Instinct says that from the backing not letting the wooden back stretch out a bit in tension that the belly will be stressed that much more. ? But then again, steve's point comes up about how sinew's strength would be taking the pressure off of the belly compressing and on to the back stretching. But at the same time I have always understood that any backing stresses the belly more. I see that the only factor a sinew backing would have in compressing a belly more than normal is the increase in draw weight crushing it. And would the effect be lessened or amplified, or effected at all by reflexing the bow and then appling sinew?