I screwed up the dimensions, I meant 2 1/2" tapering to 1/2" adding an inch making it 3 1/2" tapering to 1 1/2"
"The big question mark has always been how do you find optimum thickness."
ARG, I was just about to ask what thickness you think I should make this bow I'm dwelling on,...
" I have gone round and round with Tim on this. I really couldn't say for sure either way but it does seem to work"
Awesome steve. Pure awesome.

You have made me very happy today. You have no idea. ... Just went out and got my monthly "play around with" red oak today. Found some ok pieces.Here is a plan for a bow, not a set in stone plan, just trying to figure a plan out:
54" end to end, not counting siyahs. Actually 58", but 2" on each end will be taken up by siyahs.
9" non bending handle (probably just shouldn't ask,

, you probably read my other thread)
Distance from top limb/bottom limb from handle: 22 1/2". Making working limb total 45"
Pyramid taper from 3 1/2" to 1 1/2" at end where siyah could connect.
Held at 6" reflexed and sinew backed.
Siyahs around 6" - 7"
Continuous thickness at ?
This is the only hole left in my plan. If I can't figure it out, I will most likely go with 2/8" I JUST made a bow with the same dimensions as above except the taper was 2 1/2" to 1/2". The thickness was 3/8". It pulled 45# at 26", but I pulled to 28" and did not weight it yet. I am just looking for 50 - 70, but mostly, just something shootable. I am scared of the sinew over powering the red oak, but if it brakes I will just take the sinew off and use it for glue. Maybe I will just do a layer or two at most. One layer to just protect the back. ?? Naw, I know red oak is a bad choice for sinew, but I don't have money to use anything else, and it just will eat at me if I don't try it once.