Naw pat, my reason for a nine inch handle is to place the bow hand on the 4 1/2" below the arrow pass. Making the bow symmetrical. The reason a symmetrical bow is it is easier for me to make, I just cut out dimensions perfect and I never have to tiller. Lazy,

Course, then theres the thing of if the pressure is one spot, like I think you said you can't shoot threw your hand, and the arrow isn't, isn't that asymmetrical then? And then if you pull any other way than across your chest the arrow has a way of moving up, making the bow work asymmetrically. Right? I think so anyway...
"Honestly, I think you are getting in over your head. Try something a little closer to 60" in the same style."
"It's too short even for a sinew backed bend in the handle bow for a 28" draw."
Well that is definitely not encouraging george,

. I was just looking at lots of turkish bows 40" - 50" nock to nock that pull 28". They have nonbending handles. I know that the sinew will not go, so are you saying the wood will? I'm more worried about the wood, I'm using red oak. OH, and my fades were not on the handle I mean, I mean that is the thickness fade right out from the handle from 6/8" to 3/8".