Nope they are not. They are levers.

Just had to get this off my chest, heres a reply to a post on paleoplanet:
"Shoot, my main design is a pyramid with molly/holm tips not bending, plus reflexed. See, a pyramid design is great because it bends super evenly with very little chance of a hinge without even tillering most of the time, bending so evenly reduces set also. But it doesn't shoot very fast. A molly shoots very fast, seeing as it is a very small bow. Smaller bows shoot faster. Why is it a small bow? Because the levers on the end, like static recurves/siyahs, ARE NOT NECESSARY PARTS OF THE BOW! THE REAL BOW IS ONLY THE MIDDLE THAT SHOOTS! I think this is the correct way to look at siyahs/levers/whatever you call em. In regards to why recurves are always deemed as so fast. Now I know working recurves should probably be excluded a little bit as the recurves work a bit, but still use the same principle. It's not that a 70" longbow verses a 70" recurves results in the recurve being faster. It's a 70" long verses a 60" bow with 5" recurves results in the smaller bow being faster. The primary function of recurves has absolutely NOTHING to do with increasing the speed of a bow. In fact more mass on a bow could only decrease speed. If you think about it's just funny that we as bowyers who of all people should understand the dynamics of bows all say that "recurves are fast". I must say this again as I cannot stand the dogma that gets thrown around.
It is all leverage, plain and simple. Small bows stack and a 50" 60# at 28" bow , although very fast, with no recurves/siyahs/molly levers is anything but joy to shoot because of stack. Add some light molly levers on there, and there ya go. If ya wanna follow the principle of leverage farther, then you would recurve your levers, at whatever degrees results in a 90 degrees angle with the string and the recurve at full draw, with would be the strongest angle. Anything less than a 90 degrees at full draw and you start to stack. Sooooooo a lazy mans method for a good preforming bow would be...............
- Dependablity, low set, as well as ease of tiller (Or cookie cutter bow method, lazy,

) of the pyramid design.
- Preformance of a smaller a bow, as small as the material will allow to reach drawweight at drawlength.
- Non working recurves/siyahs/levers at such an angle to reach no more than 90 degrees at fulldraw resulting in a smooth drawing bow. Perferably
as light strong and long as functional. 5" I find usually does a great job of reducing set. 45 degrees to the bow is the only way I have tried yet."
Just saying, small bows are fast. Recurves are levers. Small bows with recurves are fast bows with levers.