Actually Pat, I got it from a fairly new magazine. Its initials are"B"owyer's "J"ournal.

I also forgot the horizontal bar that extends the foot pedal along so its more under the seat part. Retro fitted the one in the pic yesterday. Got to put the head on the second one today and see how far I get with the third.
Yeah, I was debating on what to put on the head. I have leather and also some chipped rubber mat thats 1/8" thick.I thought maybe alittle of the rubber under the leather would work pretty well.
Justin' yer welcome to put one through its paces if you need someplace to hold a bow while yer workin' on it.

I got three hours roughly in each one of em so I'm thinkin 75$. Or a cool trade!
Auggie I'll see if I can find the magazine it was in and you can buy that back issue and have the plans for the larger original if ya want.