i found massaranduba on sale for $1 per foot, so i grabbed some (coincidentally it has lovely straight grain). i was just playing around with it today & decided to rough out a belly to put with some hickory so i could compare it to ipe. once i got it rough shaped, i started floor tillering it as usual, but it felt different to me. next thing you know i have it on the long string pulling way too far for ipe. no ticks, no splinters, works like a dream, and my personal favorite thing about it so far- when you take wood off it looks like your carving into a medium rare steak! the outside is brown, the inside is pink- love it! anyways, it survived being braced & shot (at partial draw) a few times, so i figured i'd post a few pics. i never thought of massaranduba as a good selfbow wood, but so far, it seems like it wants to be a bow.
63" ntn, 1 1/4" wide tapering to 1/2" tips (for now), 11/16" thick tapering to 3/8"
right now it's pulling ~70# @ whatever i'm drawing to in the last pic (~20" at a guess). i plan to get the inner limbs to bend more & get the handle to bend ever so slightly (felt not seen) before i go for a full draw.
1) handle from the belly side- it's a little thicker where it narrows
2) thickness at the handle- rounded just a little
3) braced
4) partial draw
i had no idea this stuff would be this stable for a self bow! so far, it's only showing 1/2" of set- i'm interested in seeing how much i end up with...
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