personally i dont think there is a problem with using the bark side for the belly
as long as your still tillering (scraping,wood removal) from the belly side and not the back of the bow
when you say there is bark on the belly,do you mean the cambium layer?
or is it the actual bark?
if its the actual bark,that may lead to some issues
hard to really say, al i can say is that with some effort all the bark has been removed, except for the stuff by the handle which i might leave, or maybe put a design in it, i figured that that section isnt going to bend anytime soon, and a little bit of engraving would add some class, any opinions on it?
I've got a better idea! Leave the bow just as it is and use it as the prod on a crossbow. Ron
Heh, ive wanted to make one or a long time, but i dont have any ride to a store, and i am pretty sure i lack the tools required to make it, though i have made plans, i dont have the money, a method to get down to home depot for the materials, or anything to work the materials after i get them
i was thinking about that honestly, really was

<rant removed>