As i was wandering my woodlot i hit an area full of annoying/useless trees (Box Alders mostly) so i hacked majority of them down, when i found my way through, i saw a few Mulberries, big ones too, im a bit skeptic, since they were in/near floodland, that they may not be of good quality.
Well, enough with the story, i marked a few that i plan on cutting, but i would much rather read up and get some knowledge on what i am working with, before i start chopping. If anything, i am going to read up alot this winter, or cut maybe one or two trees and get some good staves to season.
I have found White mulberry, which i am more than likely going to remove, due to its status as an invasive species. and i would like tips, if possible, on how good this works as a bow wood, compared to Red mulberry, which i also have access too. i could try both myself, but i would rather get opinions and compare my results later on.
Thanks in advance for the help,