Well i made this bow some time ago. I was going to give it away to my friend tod, just to get rid of some of these bows lying around , so I wanted to take some pictures of it before I let it go. After making a new string and shooting it a bit, I don't really wanna give it away anymore,

Thought I'd post it. It actually took some set, before I knew how to sinew good. It's from like a 2" sapling, heavily crowned back and flat belly. The crowned back made sinewing weird. Handle wrap is crappy hemp, was going to make something nicer but, eh... Specs:
58" nock to nock
Almost exactly 50# at 28"
3 layers of sinew brought this 30# bow up to 50# btw!!!

Trying to show how crowned it is...

Sinewed right over the knot...
