Hey Joe (oh man I'm Jimi Hendrix fan

For drying I put the bark flat between two boards.
I think you have to dry the bark one or two month. My bark had dried about 8-9 month, cause I haven't time to work with the bark so long.
At this bow I apply the inside of the bark to the wood. But I think you can make it also inside out (I made a quiver this way). I have cleaned the bark with a scraper and steel wool and then i glued the bark on the elm with a resorcinol glue, but another glue like Pat sayed will work fine (a buddy of mine glued the bark on with white carpenter's glue and a hot iron! - don't tell your wife that you need the iron for glueing a back on your bow

Before glueing you have to cut the stripes to the exat dimensions of the back, cause the bark will break easy if you try to put it around the edges from back and side.
I finished this bow with tung-oil, then shellac, after that tung-oil and at last I waxed her, but every finish you normally use will work.
Good luck and I can't wait to see your cherrybarkbackedvinemaplebow
